Why are so many psychopaths the boss?
Is your boss causing you stress? Does your team have retention issues? Are there some days when you think of work and your boss you...
Why do mealtimes have to be hell times?
Many parents of young children share with me that meals in there house tend to be just hell. Something that was once a time of couple...
Is being alone worse than being in a toxic relationship?
Not surprisingly studies time and time again remind is that the fear of being alone is one of the strongest reasons people choose to...
Some Tips for Coping with Grief (and sharing it with children...)
After the tragedy of the past few days I was invited today to chat with guys on The Daily Edition about ways of coping with grief and...
Whats your personality smell like?
Well now here is an interesting little ‘fact’ – did you know people can guess your personality by smelling your t-shirt? A 2011 study by...
Date night is so important
I’m not the first to say this so I will not push on the matter, I just want to assert right now: date night is a must! It is way too easy...
It’s only natural to want to be touched sometimes
That’s right it is natural human desire to be touched – we all need to be hugged, kissed, tickled and as adults it’s just fine to want to...
Why choose to feel guilty?
It has been said that guilt is the one of the great self-induced emotions… if so why do choose to do it? Are we so pre-conditioned that...
Feeling Burnout
So we all feel it, but do we recognise the signs that we are heading towards burnout? Today I got to spend some time with the team at...
Demist the Brain Fog
What causes that cloudy feeling in your head when you are trying to remember? This is a question the team at The Morning Show (Channel 7)...