Some people dream of success. We make it happen.

Some people dream of success. We make it happen.
Coaching is a process where by one chooses to focus an intense level of energy on components of their life to bring about change in a short period.
Coaching is an interesting relationship for people as a coach plays multiple roles during a session mixing between pushy dad, to encouraging friend, to knowledgeable teacher and even nagging mother-in-law all at once!
As a Coach, I assist people to identify areas that need addressing and to focus on the tasks that need to be achieved to bring about life change.

Moving through your pain with focus and acceptance!
The dictionary defines counselling as professional guidance in personal and social matters. I define counselling as a relationship between people on a shared journey, with the practitioner present to act as a mediator. The goal being to broaden knowledge of behaviour, to help clarify the problem and assist in identifying solutions and, where appropriate, to apply my knowledge pragmatically to improve the condition of both the individual and society...
People seek counselling for many reasons; I provide a lot of support for people going through major life change experiences. This can include, but is not limited too; issues of sexual identity, career transfer, loss of partner, parent, or other loved ones, personal confusion and much more.
Empowering others to be better for themselves!
Mentorship is a powerful alternative for individuals who do not 'need' counselling, but would like to have the benefits of someone to debrief life with on a regular basis.
Mentorship is popular amongst leaders and members of the community who in their day-to-day roles need to present a facade of assurance within and high degree of confidence without. However, like everybody we all have our moments of doubt, uncertainty and emotional weakness...
Mentorship gives you a confidential, non-judgemental space to talk through 'stuff' so that you can make sense of what needs to be made sense of so that you can go about your daily life with confidence!
Hypnosis has been around for a very long time and forms a part of healing from ancient times. The induction of trance states and the use of therapeutic suggestion were a central feature of the early Greek healing temples, and variations of these techniques were practiced throughout the ancient world. Modern hypnosis began in the eighteenth century with Franz Anton Mesmer, who used what he called "magnetic healing" to treat a variety of psychological and psychophysiological disorders, such as hysterical blindness, paralysis, headaches, and joint pains. Since then, the use (and social confidence) of hypnosis has gone up and down. The famous psychotherapist we all like to bag (but whose approach to treatment forms the basis to psychotherapy) Freud, at first, found it extremely effective in treating hysteria and then, troubled by the sudden emergence of powerful emotions in his patients and his own difficulty with its use, abandoned it. However, as more and more practitioners gained confidence and skills in the discipline it has formed a bedrock to many psychotherapeutic treatments. In recent years hypnosis has experienced a strong resurgence, amongst with physicians and dentists and more recently with psychologists and other mental health professionals. In my practice, I use it as a tool for addictions, such as smoking and drug use; to help with pain and anxiety issues, and for phobias, such as the fear of flying. Plus in many other programs designed to help my clients.
Did you know the word hypnosis comes from the name of Hypnos, the ancient Greek god of dreams?