Is your brain full of clutter?
Do you tend to find yourself lost for words when having a conversation?
Is the term “zoomie-brain” something you can relate to?
Have your goals and dreams been lost to life’s demands and disorder?
Does the chaos of a busy life consume all your energy?
Answered “yes” to one or more these questions then it’s time to
Spring Clean Your Life!
How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes | Adam Leipzig | TEDxMalibu
Spring Clean Your Life is a ‘lockdown’ coaching & counselling session with me where we look at a whole heap of stuff happening in your world, and explore some of the limitations, blocks and whatever else might be happening that is holding you back from achieving what it is you desire.
This is a very structured process designed to help you stop, reflect and reinvent…
Group sessions are 3 hours while one-on-one is 2 hours.
How does it work?
Over a cup of coffee in my rooms (or online) we take some time to focus in on what’s important in your world, what’s holding you back, and what needs to happen all while working to a 3-month plan…
Step One: Life assessment, where are you now compared to where you want to be?
Step Two: What is draining you and getting in the way?
Step Three: Get set for success… building a 3-month plan.
Step Four: Review the goals and a mud map for achievement.
Can I do it with a friend?
Actually, yes you can, and it can work well to have three or four of us in the room (we might need to accommodate a little more time depending on how many friends you bring).
Note for group sessions each participant is billed at the same rate and there is no discount for group bookings.