Regularly throughout the year I facilitate a number of public workshops throughout the Asia Pacific region - subjects are built around coaching strategies, yoga, mindfulness, psychotherapy, counselling and more...

We will always come across difficult people. Learn techniques that will boost your confidence, reduce stress and anxiety, raise your self-esteem and increase your feeling of being in control. Say no without feeling guilty; resist manipulation or intimidation and set your own agenda. Tools learnt will improve your relationships at work and with family and friends.

Learn how to empower your children to think responsibly and to build within themselves the motivation and drive to success in school and life…

A retrospective workshop focusing on the IRIS 8-strengths for emotional resilience...

A residential intensive program building on the IRIS 8-strengths through philosophical enquiry model around the American Psychological Associations 10-steps to emotional resilience...

Secrets to survive the real life change...

Tell them off in a way they look forward to the journey...

The foundations to achieve...

You too can choose to be successful...
“Shane knows how to turn a not so interesting topic into something fun and informative. I look forward to being a part of many more workshops in the future.”
Christine, Project Manager
“What a great day - so much energy and I learnt more today then ten years of reading self help books ever gave me. Thanks for giving so much in just one day!”
RIchard, Secondary School Teacher